Tag: BBC

  • The Newsnight dilemma

    Jim Gray, formerly of Newsnight, presides over Channel 4 News. And Google‘s Peter Barron formerly of Newsnight, formerly of Channel 4 News, formerly of Newsnight leaves an empty editor’s chair. Wouldn’t Gray be the best person to fill it? And the fact that Gray would not for one moment take that seriously, tells you everything…

  • ‘Propaganda’ on the Beeb

    Over at the BBC, Nicola Meyrick steps up to defend Analysis from 7 August 2008, Al-Qaeda’s Enemy Within, against the claim from a document leaked to the Guardian that suggested the programme was inspired by a government information unit.

  • Live blogging: Future of Public Service Broadcasting

    London Business School: David Currie, outgoing Ofcom (UK broadcast/digital regulator) chairman.

  • The BBC, lobbying and open government

    Back in May 2008, Martin Rosenbaum at the BBC Freedom of Information blog asked: What do business and government say to each other? Many people want to know, some of them hoped that a freedom of information law would help them find out. Well, yes indeed. But what about the BBC itself?