Tag: Journalism

  • Beyond Trust…

    A new book, Beyond Trust picks up some of the issues raised in Can You Trust The Media? Here’s Kevin Marsh, siding with Andrew Gilligan, in viewing the book as nihilistic: Journalism’s journey – in Professor Larry Sabato’s (1991) description – from ‘lapdog, through watchdog to junkyard dog’ with all that entails in loss of…

  • Medical journalism: doctors warn of conflicting interests

    The British Medical Journal has a piece out – Who’s Watching The Watchdogs?* – about conflicts of interest between medical journalists and big pharma. Yes, medical journalism is not travel journalism. The article begins: Doctors should be wary of the increasing entanglement of medical journalists and the drug industry, warn Lisa Schwartz, Steven Woloshin, and…

  • Job-hunting for young journalists

    Advice doesn’t come any better than this – from the excellent Editorialiste: Send in applications everywhere you think you’ve got a shot — then prove it to each company in your application. It’s worth the time to tailor your application, even if you never hear back. When you’ve sent out all that you can, send…

  • Saving journalism, one summit at a time

    Like Jeff Jarvis, I too was in Dubai for the World Economic Forum‘s inaugural Summit on the Global Agenda. Charlie Beckett (whose upsummer is here) and I were in the Future of Media group. So what was our diagnosis of the state of journalism? Well, here it is. We did talk about censorship and values…