When people at Fox News start trotting out stuff you were doing five years ago, you know you’re getting old. Still, it is pretty sensible advice:
Shepard Smith: We have to do more news. We’ve already given up the “coming up” teasing that we were known for in the early days. We’ve taken all of that time and put it into content. We did that because viewers said that’s what they wanted. Viewers have said, “Stop telling me for 45 seconds what you’re going to do in the next four minutes.” So we have.
We’re not going to do more crap. We’re not going to do more titillating [stories], Hollywood-movie reviews and jokes. We’re going to do less of that. There are other places that do that better than we do. I don’t make any apologies for the way we’ve done it in the past. There was an atmosphere where it was acceptable because people didn’t have so much of it. We need to do news.
One response to “Fox News: teaseless, crapless”
mullah cimoc say blog man him so brainwash. him spend too much him time for watch jack bauer tv show.
-who recruit rush limbugh? A. Roger Ailes.
-where roger ailes work? A. Fox news.
-who own the fox tv? A. rupert murdoch.
-Who own william kristol magaizne always never make the profit just the brainwasher for masters in tel aviv? A. rupert murdoch.
-Who with limbaugh when catching him with sex pill coming back from sex slave country? A. Producers of jack bauer fantasy torture tv show.
-who owning network putting out jack bauer tv fantasy torture show? A. Rupert Murdoch.
-Who recruit hannity radio show? A. Rogers Ailes.
-Where work roger ailes? A. Rupert Murdoch.
for this usa media so control and not free. them call it the perversion.
all world knowing him neocon start irak war. him neocon spy for israeli and israeli agent in usa. but usa media afraid mention him word “neocon”. ending up like the imus? This called the terror.
in true usa man having good mutual trading benefit with him muslim for more than 150 years. for 60 years usa and saudi both making the so much money and the good trade relation.
now israeli spy and agent control media making dumbest 20% ameriki thinking must kill all the muslim. this so stupid. this like want kill all catholic because most meth distributor in usa him catholic and mexico. only idiot then to blame all catholic for meth dealer problem in usa.
most ameriki now hating the masters in tel aviv and want regain freedom and independence from foreign domination. this a good sign. soon him braveheart ameriki rising up. this them call a “rising”.