Britain seen from the US

Thomson Reuters boss Tom Glocer has a frank posting from Sun Valley (your own private Idaho). Glocer, who was based in London until recently, is now back in the US and tells it like it is on the real value of the “special relationship”:

The US has pursued a unilateralist approach to world affairs over the past seven years (if one ignores the strong-arming of super ally and “lapdog” the United Kingdom which all but cost Tony Blair his position). Our current challenges are too large to “go it alone,” and the loudest voices are coming from the over-stretched US military which is valiantly trying to prosecute too many wars at the same time.

Of course, some British columnists and op-ed writers – and most British politicians – will continue to try and peer the wrong way down the telescope in order to persuade themselves of the UK’s role in international affairs…