Cash for honours

The injunction against the BBC has inspired all kinds of fevered speculation. This is the point where I sadly admit to not particularly caring about the story.

Sure it’s a good Westminster yarn. Certainly it would have been a nice coup for Nick Robinson. But why exactly did the Attorney-General slap an injunction on the Beeb? As renowned conspiracy theorist Sir Menzies Campbell put it on Newsnight:

I think what one might be able to infer from the fact that he felt it necessary to seek this injunction is that he at least contemplates the possibility that a prosecution of some kind will follow.

Bingo. Read that back: he at least contemplates the possibility that a prosecution of some kind will follow. That’s about the size of it…

2 responses to “Cash for honours”

  1. Cheers Alan

    That keeps appearing in various places – I don’t what it is…