Old people LOVE political blogs!

Psst, politicians! Want a great new way to connect with older people? Try political blogs.

Despite the attention blogs can get … 56 percent of Americans say they never read blogs that discuss politics. Another 23 percent read them several times a year, the survey showed.

While blogs are largely considered the realm of young people who are most Internet-savvy, only 19 percent of people ages 18 to 31, and 17 percent of those ages 32 to 43, regularly read a political blog, the poll said.

The generation most likely to read such blogs are those age 63 or older, 26 percent of whom said they do so. Also, 23 percent of those ages 44 to 62 read them, the poll said.

Yes – quel surprise – oldies love political blogs.

Think about it. The Huffington Post does sound like a nasty chest complaint. And doesn’t Wonkette precede a hip replacement?

Of course, for the merely middle aged (like me) political blogs are no substitute for a good night’s sleep.

One response to “Old people LOVE political blogs!”

  1. Adrian,

    Is it the subject or is it the age group?Does this survey merely show that the older generation have more time to spend surfing the net?