David Leigh on the future of reporting
Friends of Anthony Sampson gathered last night to hear the new professor who has a chair in his name, David Leigh of the Guardian. There were over four hundred people packing the venue – standing room only – for his inaugural lecture, The End of the Reporter. Ironically, David doesn’t lecture to the masses at…
Take Rupert Murdoch’s cash
Jules March from Sky News is using Facebook to give away up to £10k (or US$20k) of Murdoch loot – more evidence that the Murdoch empire is abandoning MySpace. Only kidding. Here’s how: Calling all dev talent out there – get involved in the evolution of Sky News Online and compete for a share of…
Interrogation tips from the professionals
You can learn how interviewing works from all kinds of sources…take the US military for example: In interrogation centers I ran, we called prisoners “guests” and extended military courtesies, such as saluting captured officers. We strove to undermine a prisoner’s belief system, which we knew instructed him that Americans are unschooled infidels who would bully…
Former spy chief kerfuffle at the LSE
Spooks and Halloween go together, so the former chief of the Secret Intelligence Service’s appearance at the LSE seemed timely, to say the least. Still, it was an extraordinary public performance by Sir Richard Dearlove. The current Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge, was speaking on “Intelligence and the Media.” His aim appeared to be threefold:…