Category: Journalism

  • Newspapers and Google: Stockholm syndrome

    Jeff Jarvis pitches up this idea: What if newspapers handed over much of their work to Google? Edward [Roussel of the Telegraph] reasoned that Google already is the key distributor online. He said that Google is great at technology and newspapers aren’t and for the future, where are the best technologists going to go? Google.…

  • The BBC, lobbying and open government

    Back in May 2008, Martin Rosenbaum at the BBC Freedom of Information blog asked: What do business and government say to each other? Many people want to know, some of them hoped that a freedom of information law would help them find out. Well, yes indeed. But what about the BBC itself?

  • links for 2008-07-10

    Researchers Track Disease With Google News, Money | “HealthMap is also usable by the general public. It locates the outbreaks on a world map and creates a color-coding system that indicates the severity of an outbreak on the basis of news reportage about it.” (tags: mapping google news public science health disease outbreak)…

  • links for 2008-07-09

    Why Most Who Lose Their Jobs Don’t Get Unemployment Benefits | Robert Reich [M]ost people who lose their job these days don’t qualify for any unemployment benefits at all. How can this be? Simple. In order to be eligible, most states require you to have been working in the job you lost full time, and…