links for 2008-07-07
Aspenitis “It’s a place where wealthy people talk unironically about the problems of the world, while lobbying frantically to ensure that they stay several thousand miles away.” (tags: Aspen wealth) Swimming Lessons for Journalists | MediaShift Idea Lab journalists need to start leaping en masse from the sinking ship of the newsroom and start working…
Open Justice
My contribution to the Government website with suggestions for opening up data is here. Probably not quite what they had in mind…
The secret of great talk radio
Rush Limbaugh, the Beethoven of American talk radio, explains his success in the NYT: “Do you know what bought me all this?” [Limbaugh] asked, waving his hand in the general direction of his prosperity. “Not my political ideas. Conservatism didn’t buy this house. First and foremost I’m a businessman. My first goal is to attract…
links for 2008-07-05
Journalism 101 at the Islamic University of Gaza | Menassat “The majority of professors are just academic, and they lack professional expertise in the actual marketplace, which makes things even more difficult for a freshly graduated journalist trying to get a job.” (tags: j-school journalism gaza middle-east) Ageism | Madame Arcati “Journalism is run by…