Charles Wheeler
The Telegraph can’t help getting a sneering dig into broadcasting even as it remembers Charles Wheeler: Sir Charles Wheeler, the BBC foreign correspondent who has died aged 85, was the last working member of the stylish post-war school of television reporting and was one of the few British television journalists to whom the term distinguished…
links for 2008-07-04
Channel 4 ponders move into regional news as ITV retreats | Media | guardian.co.uk Channel 4 is considering a move into regional news in a bid to fill the gap left by ITV cutbacks and help increase the chances of an overall public service broadcasting settlement. (tags: channel-4 regional-news)
links for 2008-07-03
1,000 years of urban history: the rise and fall of European and Arab cities | vox [The] development in Europe of an economically well integrated urban system largely independent of large territorial states, spurred on by the effect of the Great Discoveries … can explain to a large extent why London, an economic backwater in…
The Limits of Citizen Journalism: dropping the ‘Wiki-‘ in Wikileaks
For anyone interested in exploring the limits of citizen journalistic enterprise, and the economics of investigative reporting, there’s interesting news about whistle-blowing site, Wikileaks. Wikileaks is planning to drop the wiki model entirely. In the future, it plans to pre-release selected documents to investigative journalists, then publish them once a story appears. That gives the…