Category: Journalism

  • Social Mobility and Journalism Education

    As a class escapee, I’ve always been interested in social mobility. What drives it? Well, here’s an interesting analysis from the January 2009 edition of the American Journal of Sociology: Microclass Mobility: Social Reproduction in Four Countries (subscription). It should interest journalists and their social-mobility-minded offspring.

  • Operation Snakebite by Stephen Grey

    There are plenty of opportunities in this world to die prematurely in your line of work. But only one – soldiering – that requires politicians or the public to give that death meaning.

  • City University’s New Graduate J-School

    Some great pictures of City’s new J-School. (Well, I like them…)

  • Journalism Education: My Unfinished Business

    Whenever people ask me why I left television news (a world which – I have to say – I loved) to run a J-School, I never give the real answer. Because the real answer is just the name of someone they (and you) probably won’t ever have heard of: Richard Wild.