Category: Journalists

  • Entertainment journalism

    The Britney Spears Allure story has attracted a fair bit of attention but I was slightly gobsmacked to see this admission in one comment piece: Britney, pop star and mother-of-the-year candidate, apparently agreed to pose for the cover of Allure and to sit for an interview with writer Judith Newman. For four days Newman chased…

  • Get Published!

    Just caught up with a great piece in Wired on Gannett‘s crowdsourcing strategies. Here’s lesson number one from a woman on the sharp end at the Cincinnati Enquirer: Linda Parker has a memo for professional journalists: Contrary to the fear rippling through newsrooms, citizens don’t want your job. They don’t want to interview obscure officials…

  • Can you trust the media?

    In what passes for my spare time, I’m finishing a book on trust in the media…Here is a quick preview of an early cover design. Any feedback appreciated!

  • Explaining journalistic failure

    Journalists are very good at moralising about failure. Is the audience unable to appreciate quality journalism? There, there. Have journalists themselves failed the people? O Tempora, O Mores! In business, you would call these product-centred explanations, and they are the tail that wags the dog. Refreshing then, to see a growing media market where failure…