Richard Jefferies
Rediscovered the Richard Jefferies anthology Landscape with Figures, selected by Richard Mabey. Jefferies was a Victorian essayist and journalist. The collection features One of the New Voters. It was written in 1884, when the English franchise had been further extended to agricultural workers, like the harvest reaper that the essay sketches. If you like great…
Al Jazeera on the Daily Show
Journalism jobs
According to the Liverpool Echo, ‘top’ graduates are facing up to low paid jobs in the media. Gosh. One of the people quoted is recent Oxford grad Pipper Rimmer. Pippa, maybe? A quick Google search reveals that Pippa Rimmer was a first-year linguist in 2002. Oh dear. Journalism is not a career choice for anyone…
Radical transparency
Jeff Jarvis gives his take on Chris Anderson‘s idea of radical transparency for journalism. I’m not so convinced. I’ve seen radical transparency before. Remember restaurants in the 1990s? Everywhere you went you could see into the kitchen. Instead of your meal emerging from a pair of swing doors, you could see dinner taking shape amid…