Category: News

  • MoD Dir of News email to ITV News execs

    Because The Times doesn’t seem to have reproduced James Clark’s email in full from their print edition, here it is: All I’ve just watched two bulletins on hospital care tonight on ITV News. As bad a hatchet-job as I’ve seen in years. Cheap shots all over the place, no context, no reasonable explanation. Like the…

  • The Media Village

    Charles Dickens spent a great part of his life in what is now an anonymous Bloomsbury rat-run for black cabs called Doughty Street. Nearby is Brownlow Street, probably the name Dickens borrowed for the philanthropist who adopts Oliver Twist. It’s a run of sooty, late Georgian terraces, better known these days as the home of…

  • ITV gossip

    The ITV rumour mill continues with word that ‘senior ITV sources’ are lining up Stephen Carter as CEO with Kevin Lygo as Director of Programmes, according to The Guardian. Seems a tad, how can I put it? Unlikely… But is another bid for ITV about to hit the boardroom table? Now that seems a little…

  • Downing Street vs. The Media

    As Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister rolls into town, Mr Blair’s official spokesman has criticised media coverage of Iraq. That sounds fair. The media criticise the Prime Minister, why not give a little back? Well, we all know the conventional wisdom on Iraq is that the invasion replaced tyranny with anarchy. Conventional wisdom misses the point.…