Unrequired Reading {20.1.09 to 21.1.09}
These are my links for 20.1.09 through 21.1.09: Ofcom PSB review – what will happen? | Ofcomwatch – Ofcom and the government are choking television from three sides: (i) state ownership and its accompanying inefficiencies, patronage and regulatory capture; (ii) outdated mandates that specify quotas and certain content that must be provided; and (iii) numerous…
Unrequired Reading {19.1.09 to 20.1.09}
These are some of the things that have caught my attention lately. It’s a more eclectic mix than just the news business, but then so’s life:
Unrequired Reading {18.1.09 to 19.1.09}
These are some of the things that have caught my attention lately. It’s a more eclectic mix than just the news business, but then so’s life:
Unrequired Reading {17.1.09 to 18.1.09}
These are some of the things that have caught my attention lately. It’s a more eclectic mix than just the news business, but then so’s life: