What is public service broadcasting?
As a professor with a background in public service broadcasting (PSB), I’m often asked – What exactly is public service broadcasting? Take a popular programme like Neighbours. From 1986 to 2008 it appeared on the BBC and was an important piece of PSB, popular with viewers, and valued for its airing of gritty but universal…
What’s Happening to Our News
I was one of the people interviewed for Andrew Currah‘s What’s Happening to Our News, which is out today. Don’t let that put you off. Andrew’s an economic geographer – different, I guess, from a geographic economist – maybe it’s an economist who knows where he is.
Steve Jobs, Apple and Fair Disclosure
How much information should companies be expected to make public on issues like – say – their CEO’s health? Individual exchanges have their own rules about disclosure. For example, the NASDAQ says its companies: “shall make prompt disclosure to the public through any Regulation FD compliant method (or combination of methods) of disclosure of any…
Unrequired Reading {20.1.09 to 21.1.09}
These are my links for 20.1.09 through 21.1.09: Ofcom PSB review – what will happen? | Ofcomwatch – Ofcom and the government are choking television from three sides: (i) state ownership and its accompanying inefficiencies, patronage and regulatory capture; (ii) outdated mandates that specify quotas and certain content that must be provided; and (iii) numerous…