Sky News on Freeview
Friday is always a good day for announcements. That’s the day Ofcom announced this: Sky proposal to launch new service on digital terrestrial television On 8 February 2007 Sky announced that it proposes to launch a new service on the digital terrestrial television (DTT) platform. Following a series of requests for clarity on the regulatory…
Who pays for your blog?
Howard Owens blogs off Jeff Jarvis, who has in turn blogged off Mark Potts to observe that news content has always been free: Newspaper subscribers have never paid for content. They have paid for delivery. These days, I read thousands of words a content every day. I pay for all of it. But I don’t…
Just added Adam MacQueen to my subscription list. Recommended, if somewhat occasional.
Liberal bias at the BBC
Finking out your colleagues takes guts. So who is the Bernie Goldberg of the BBC? Bernie, in case you don’t know, was a CBS News reporter who filed from the personal finance frontline. He found it convenient to take CBS’s money while all the time accumulating evidence of its liberal lies (this labour of love…