Recruiting citizen video journalists
In case you wanted to know how to push citizen journalism further in video, a Florida TV station has an interesting plan: Tampa Bay’s 10 is looking for twenty people around the Bay area to help us with a special project. We will teach twenty lucky people how to shoot a video camera, and how…
How to make money from blogs: books and newspapers
My friend Charlotte Hume started blogging at exactly the same time I did. My blog is a series of ‘grumpy old man’ rants in the direction of journalism and new media. Hers was an attempt to engage other parents with the problems of making her 7-year-old son, Freddie, eat his vegetables – an attempt that…
links for 2008-07-11
Lest we forget: What subbing is really about… | Richard Burton What follows is not a defence of a craft but a series of real scenarios that will demonstrate the sort of pressures you may face in later life: whether you are called a sub, a producer, a page designer, a copy editor, part of…
Newspapers and Google: Stockholm syndrome
Jeff Jarvis pitches up this idea: What if newspapers handed over much of their work to Google? Edward [Roussel of the Telegraph] reasoned that Google already is the key distributor online. He said that Google is great at technology and newspapers aren’t and for the future, where are the best technologists going to go? Google.…