BBC guidance on the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
Cryptome carries an email apparently sent to BBC staff over reporting of councils and their use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act:
links for 2008-07-08
Murdoch Lifer Mans Main Street Journal | Advertising Age “Mathematical equations do not work in media,” [Hinton] said. What works in media is: If the reader and the advertiser don’t like what they’re seeing, then they ain’t going to be coming back.” (tags: news-corp wall-street-journal) Is PropPublica’s shaky start an omen? | MiamiHerald.com [W]hy was…
How to engineer an Anglo-Russian rapprochement
Arrange a meeting at a summit. Prior to the meeting, ensure government officials drop reassuring hints about the need to improve relations: Russia now poses its biggest threat to Britain since the Cold War, according to security sources. MI5 fears that Britain has been swamped with spies since the breakdown of relations over the tit-for-tat…
links for 2008-07-07
Aspenitis “It’s a place where wealthy people talk unironically about the problems of the world, while lobbying frantically to ensure that they stay several thousand miles away.” (tags: Aspen wealth) Swimming Lessons for Journalists | MediaShift Idea Lab journalists need to start leaping en masse from the sinking ship of the newsroom and start working…