Tag: army

  • Journalistic censure

    I wouldn’t exactly call Kevin Myers one of my favourite writers, but it takes a belly full of bile to compose an epistle of anger this good. I must admit to harbouring similar feelings for some of the people I’ve encountered along the way.

  • War 2.0: Israel’s post-journalism campaign in Gaza

    Whatever ones views of the rights and wrongs, Israel‘s media operation to accompany its Gaza offensive has been an object lesson in the uses and limitations of War 2.0. Talking to a senior Middle Eastern diplomat yesterday, and to a friend reporting from (or stuck) in Jerusalem, there is a (very) grudging – respect is…

  • Media relations for the military: 101

    How should the world’s armies respond to criticism or negative stories in the media? Well they could take note of the healthily robust approach demonstrated by Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Defence. They tackle critics head on! Check out a piece from their website below: Mr. Iqbal Athas, stop insulting our soldiers’ sacrifices A free press…