Tag: Barack Obama

  • US Nets: Anchorless in Gaza

    If you wondered whether declining viewers and corporate belt tightening had a real on-screen resourcing impact on network news coverage, check out Andrew Tyndall on the nets and Gaza: In the summer of 2006, when the Israel Defense Force headed north to fight with the Hezbollah militia in southern Lebanon, all three networks found the…

  • The growing significance of the UK media in covering US politics

    If you wanted a sign of the growing importance of the UK news media in reporting US politics (a phenomenon supported by Matt Drudge, the now global online market in English language news, and the largely apolitical US press), here it is. Media Matters, a Democratic-leaning MSM rebuttal service, turns its powerful fisking attention to…

  • Microsoft to Newspapers: You made information free. For Google.

    Microsoft‘s top Intellectual Property chap, Tom Rubin, had some interesting points to make at the UK AOP: Starting back in the early 1990s, some leading Internet pundits espoused the motto “information wants to be free” and implored content owners to simply give away their content and monetize it through secondary means – such as concerts…

  • The News Media’s Lessons From The Obama Campaign

    My chums – the Carnivores of Journalism (read in tooth and claw) – are ripping apart the lessons for the news media from the online electoral campaigning of President-elect Barack Obama. Here’s my message for the old news media. You missed a revenue stream. Auction endorsements. Don’t be fooled by the SMS and Facebook wrappers.…