Tag: Blogs

  • What we leave out when we write

    I was first introduced to the economic concept of opportunity cost as I sat through eucharist as a young chorister, listening to a section of the liturgy that asked forgiveness for “the good we have not done.” The opportunity cost of every moral act was “the good left undone.” For Mark Twain the cost of…

  • Contemplating the ‘crisis’

    In case British readers were wondering what journalistic resources they could rely on to keep abreast of the current situation in the financial markets, here’s my advice. You don’t need to! There really is no point in following events you have no possibility of debating, influencing or changing (see Downs‘ An Economic Theory of Democracy).…

  • How to make money from blogs: books and newspapers

    My friend Charlotte Hume started blogging at exactly the same time I did. My blog is a series of ‘grumpy old man’ rants in the direction of journalism and new media. Hers was an attempt to engage other parents with the problems of making her 7-year-old son, Freddie, eat his vegetables – an attempt that…

  • Meet the new blog…same as etc. etc.

    So it’s a change of design (goodbye American Typewriter) and farewell to Blogger (much loved). I’m slowly updating the blogroll so if you haven’t appeared yet, then yes, it is just me being slow. Also there may be some problems with screen res (Crappy screen resolution! Another great reason to subscribe via RSS!).