Tag: CBS News

  • The eternal brain drain…

    Alan Mutter‘s Brain Drain post, is a reminder of how political many old media organizations are: young net natives, for the most part, rank too low in the organizations that employ them to be invited to the pivotal discussions determining the strategic initiatives that could help their employers sustain their franchises. …Members of the wired…

  • Bored by Burma

    The BBC Editors blog has this comment from Anthony, after a post by Steve Herrmann explaining the moral and logistical complexities of online coverage from Burma: Although I’m rather appalled at myself for thinking this – I find the current wave of Burma coverage very dull and uninteresting. In particular – absent the nice juicy…

  • Remember when CBS really stood for something?

    We come in peace, newslings.

  • Arab media

    Larry Pintak, former CBS News correspondent and now Director of Journalism at the American University in Cairo, has started an online journal called Arab Media and Society – it’s full of interesting stuff, including this interview with Hosam El Sokkari, head of the Beeb’s new Arabic TV channel.