Tag: Financial Times

  • Just who is the FT’s mysterious BBC Trust mole?

    The Financial Times has a trenchant critique of BBC Worldwide and its impact on the public service broadcasting debate. But who exactly is the person ‘familiar with the BBC Trust’s thinking’ that they quote? Or the leading London banker? Don’t be tempted by the obvious jigsaw identification. A person familiar with the BBC Trust’s thinking…

  • Two views of ITV

    James Murdoch bought ITV shares for 135p not too long ago. Now, you and I can pick them up for about half that. Murdoch didn’t exactly buy them hoping them to make a quick buck. But now he has moved to Wapping, how does one of his papers cover the ITV story? Dan Sabbagh plays…

  • How to argue in circles

    Writing in the FT, Pablo Eisenberg provides a great example of fuzzy thinking on journalism. And also a lesson in how to write in circles. For a decade, the print media have been the only effective mechanism for keeping non-profit organisations open and accountable. The outstanding investigative work of the Boston Globe, the Washington Post,…

  • Paid content – the British newspaper experience

    My colleague Neil Thurman has spent the last few months talking to online editors across the UK about how they see their businesses. That research, with the snappy title Paid content strategies for news websites: An empirical study of British newspapers online business models, is out now. You can download a preview here. The headlines?…