What is public service broadcasting?
As a professor with a background in public service broadcasting (PSB), I’m often asked – What exactly is public service broadcasting? Take a popular programme like Neighbours. From 1986 to 2008 it appeared on the BBC and was an important piece of PSB, popular with viewers, and valued for its airing of gritty but universal…
News editors – read the comments…
I try not to do this (being far from perfect), but have a read of the following story which asks, by way of reporting, Baby joy for Kaplinsky – but are Five chiefs happy? Natasha Kaplinsky, who six weeks ago became the face of Five News on an annual salary of £1 million, making her…
The new Five News with…
Is fine. The thing that gave it most character, ironically, was not Natasha Kaplinsky but the promo for its long-running Your News segment, which was more impressive than the thin segment that actually aired. The style is a familiar mix of glossy professionalism up top, and poppy amateurism down bulletin. Will viewers abandon Emmerdale or…
Repackaging the evening news – lessons from America
My old dead tree version of the Atlantic finally arrived, and with it a lovely, insightful piece on Katie Couric and the CBS Evening News by Caitlin Flanagan. As the new Kaplinsky Five News prepares to take to the air, and the revived News at Ten struggles, here is Flanagan’s conclusion on Couric: That Katie…