Tag: Investigative Journalism

  • Protecting the police from inquiries

    Journalistic scrutiny of the UK police (and the armed forces and intelligence services, btw) is about to be severely restricted thanks to the Counter-Terrorism Bill.

  • The Limits of Citizen Journalism: dropping the ‘Wiki-‘ in Wikileaks

    For anyone interested in exploring the limits of citizen journalistic enterprise, and the economics of investigative reporting, there’s interesting news about whistle-blowing site, Wikileaks. Wikileaks is planning to drop the wiki model entirely. In the future, it plans to pre-release selected documents to investigative journalists, then publish them once a story appears. That gives the…

  • Investigative Journalism Summer School

    A public service announcement follows: online booking is now open for the 2008 Investigative Journalism Summer School. Where: City University London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB When: 18-20 July, 2008 What: advanced internet research, using Freedom of Information legislation, computer assisted reporting, statistics, understanding company accounts, libel and privacy law, the environment and protecting sources.…

  • The Police vs. Channel 4

    Remember Undercover Mosque, the investigation in Channel 4’s Dispatches strand? Ofcom’s decision in respect of Undercover Mosque throws the ball firmly back into the court of West Midlands Police and the Crown Prosecution Service. This was their statement from back in August 2007: [Assistant Chief Constable] Anil Patani for West Midlands Police said: “As a…