Tag: Rupert Murdoch

  • A little bit of money…

    “What if, at the Journal, we spent $100 million a year hiring all the best business journalists in the world? Say 200 of them. And spent some money on establishing the brand but went global — a great, great newspaper with big, iconic names, outstanding writers, reporters, experts. And then you make it free, online…

  • Rupert Murdoch’s obituary

    When (or perhaps if) Rupert Murdoch goes to the great MySpace in the sky, the obituary writers will be able to save themselves some time if they dig out Kingsley Martin’s assessment of British newspaper tycoon Lord Northcliffe. Northcliffe: was his own most appreciative reader; he instinctively appealed in the most profitable way to the…

  • The Wall Street Journal should read its own history

    An owner “most properly, considers his newspaper as a plain business proposition.” WSJ, 1925Anyone considering the absurd talk of editorial strictures being put around the Wall Street Journal prior to its possible purchase by Rupert Murdoch might want to look into the Journal’s own archives. Back in January 1925 it published an op-ed titled, “A…

  • Why no Berlusconi news channel?

    One thing I didn’t get round to blogging from the excellent Reuters Institute event at the European Studies Centre was the line from Mediaset CFO Marco Giordani. Mediaset is the Italian media giant owned by Silvio Berlusconi who you would think would want his own news channel. But Giordani said that despite the large numbers…