Tag: Sunday Times

  • Just who is the FT’s mysterious BBC Trust mole?

    The Financial Times has a trenchant critique of BBC Worldwide and its impact on the public service broadcasting debate. But who exactly is the person ‘familiar with the BBC Trust’s thinking’ that they quote? Or the leading London banker? Don’t be tempted by the obvious jigsaw identification. A person familiar with the BBC Trust’s thinking…

  • MI6 and Sean Langan

    Some interesting details – if true – in the Sunday Times on the UK intelligence service and Sean Langan‘s disappearance.

  • Media relations for the military: 101

    How should the world’s armies respond to criticism or negative stories in the media? Well they could take note of the healthily robust approach demonstrated by Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Defence. They tackle critics head on! Check out a piece from their website below: Mr. Iqbal Athas, stop insulting our soldiers’ sacrifices A free press…

  • Bring out the Branson

    Screw It, Let’s Do It. Looks like James Murdoch has been taking ‘lessons in life’ from Richard Branson. Sir Richard, a minority shareholder in NTL, is unhappy because James has snuck in and bought a billion quid’s worth of ITV stock. Sir Rick’s anger has led him into the dangerous academic trap of asserting ‘strong’…