Tag: the Guardian

  • Brit TV journo blogging the presidential election

    For those not familiar with it, Britain’s Channel 4 News is probably what the Guardian would look like on television. A very smart former Fulbrighter at Harvard KSG, Felicity Spector will be producing their road coverage of the US Presidential election. She’s an old chum and is blogging here. Worth checking out.

  • ‘Propaganda’ on the Beeb

    Over at the BBC, Nicola Meyrick steps up to defend Analysis from 7 August 2008, Al-Qaeda’s Enemy Within, against the claim from a document leaked to the Guardian that suggested the programme was inspired by a government information unit.

  • The teller not the tale: link based journalism and rewrites

    What value do newspapers add to information? A couple of days ago, I bookmarked this piece on product placement, from the New York Times. Basically, it’s about coffee cups appearing on the desk during a local morning news show in Las Vegas. The Las Vegas Sun reported it first on Monday: Oooooooh, they’re calling out…

  • The Limits of Citizen Journalism: dropping the ‘Wiki-‘ in Wikileaks

    For anyone interested in exploring the limits of citizen journalistic enterprise, and the economics of investigative reporting, there’s interesting news about whistle-blowing site, Wikileaks. Wikileaks is planning to drop the wiki model entirely. In the future, it plans to pre-release selected documents to investigative journalists, then publish them once a story appears. That gives the…