Tag: Trust

  • Play our new game: BBC moral equivalence

    Mark Thompson writes about trust in the BBC. After condemning the children’s programme editor who apparently believed a poll had been rigged and changed the name of a cat (yes, really), Thompson lets off senior BBC manager Alan Yentob for filming reaction shots to interviews he didn’t actually show up for. Yes, according to the…

  • Ethics of television editing discussion

    On BBC Radio 3 last night talking about the ethics of TV editing – if you want to listen, it’s here.

  • Light posting

    I have a deadline to meet on Can You Trust The Media so I’ll be posting lightly until October 1st when normal poor levels of service will resume!

  • British TV’s phoney trust crisis

    The campaign to restore trust in TV is a phoney crusade – less to do with concern for the audience than about protecting brands and reputation. When my dad was in the Military Police, he would caution errant squaddies with the words: “anything you say will be taken down, screwed around with, and used to…