Tag: United Kingdom

  • Freedom of Information: numerical junk via the BBC

    Thanks to a Freedom of Information request through great new site whatdotheyknow.com, you can get a rough idea of which UK ‘nation’ paid what for the BBC, as of March 31, 2008. It’s pretty precise:

  • Wealth, leisure and the attention economy in the 18C

    A while back, Clay Shirky (Gin, Television and Social Surplus) invoked 18C England in arguing that gin was the enabling – and stupefying – technology of rapid urbanisation. Television, he argued, played the same role in – presumably, he doesn’t really elaborate – the suburbanisation of the US in the second half of the 20C.…

  • Arguing against Nick Davies

    British writer Nick Davies is an inspiration to a lot of young journalists, and rightly so (you can read more of his writing on social issues here). But now he has moved from covering drugs and criminal justice to report on journalism. And in doing so, he commissioned some research to back up his criticisms…

  • Wikipedia: the gift that keeps on giving…

    It seems that even television is not safe from Wikipedia spotters. A Syrian blog points to some smooth script re-purposing over at Al Jazeera English on their series A Question of Arab Unity. ALJAZ“Nasser and his fellow officers assured Britain that it would respect British citizens and property in Egypt, limiting the possibility of intervention…