Tag: US Journalism

  • Sponsored news

    Next week sees NBC News getting sponsored by Philips. The sponsorship will give them extra programme time. Wow…Ofcom take note.

  • Writing school…

    I’m not a fan of Jeff Jarvis ordinarily, but this is a nice piece of critical work.

  • Does she mean us?

    Here’s Deborah Howell, the Washington Post‘s ombudsman: Journalism tends to draw to its ranks those who are idealistic, who want to right society’s ills and who look upon their work as a calling. They look at journalism less as a job with a business than as a calling to public service, which can put them…

  • Stern contrast

    Not often you see British journalism lauded over American, but the UK media’s cheerleading for the Stern review gets two thumbs up in the Columbia Journalism Review. Click on to suspend your disbelief…[CJR]