From the New York Times

According to new data released yesterday by the Nielsen Company, people who own digital video recorders, or DVRs, still watch, on average, two-thirds of the ads.

One big reason is that many people with DVRs still tune in to watch about half of their shows at the scheduled start time, meaning they must sit through commercials.

And even when people watch recorded shows later, many are not fast-forwarding through the ads. On average, Nielsen found, DVR owners watch 40 percent of commercials that they could skip over — perhaps because they like ads, don’t mind them or simply can’t be bothered.

That’s an audience I like – “simply can’t be bothered”!

2 responses to “”

  1. Or after a lifetime of commercial breaks they’ve established a routine that includes popping out to make a cup of tea in the first break, a trip to the bathroom during the second and a check that the kids are sleeping OK during the third. That people aren’t skipping the ads by fast-forwarding through them doesn’t prove they’re not skipping them via the tested strategy of leaving the room.

  2. And people who can’t be arsed to skip your ad, might respond similarly to its message…