Can You Trust The Media? – launch

So tonight is the launch event for my book, timed brilliantly on the eve of a contest that will decide the future happiness of a great swathe of Londoners. Not the mayoral elections of course, but the Chelsea vs Liverpool Champions League semi-final.

Charlie Beckett and Seamus McCauley have both kindly reviewed or reviewed kindly Can Your Trust The Media? Charlie will be on the panel with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, me and Andrew Gilligan.

I’ve never met Andrew, but I was one of the voters in the ballot that judged him 2008 Journalist of the Year. A winner in the eyes of his peers and probably the public, he will doubtless be unphased by my dissenting view of his Hutton reporting.

And, in the chair, Evan Davis – whose fault it is not to be able to turn down requests like the one to step in and host tonight.

If you can be there, bless you – if not, seek it out at a local bookstore and the kids will eat again next week.

2 responses to “Can You Trust The Media? – launch”

  1. Reading it, a really enlightening book. Your witty and factual writing as well as the way you try an explain why the news business is the way it is from its birth to modern times makes it a really nice read. One thing I never really thought about was the whole Wikipedia manipulation by corporations and politicians. I mean I know that it can be full of a lot of bullshit but bringing up how corporations and politicians have actually accessed the site to alter information i find really interesting. I suggest anyone interested (in a general sense) in corruption, conspiracies, media studies, why the world is what it is… hell this book can intrigue a lot of people.