Category: News

  • The biggest stories you won’t see headlined

    The biggest stories you won’t see headlining the news are Germany and southern Europe’s growing dependence on Russia. And China’s advance into Africa. Where four decades of Warsaw Pact weaponry failed, gas and oil pipelines are succeeding. Russia’s influence runs right up to the Rhine – and where communism couldn’t win converts, cash and a…

  • The anonymous Royal

    Search Google News for “royal” and “cocaine,” or subscribe to a site like RADAR, and barring some miracle you will discover the identity of the member of the royal family that no British media outlet is allowed to report, but which you could also have heard on Fox News (Sky Channel 510 – m’lud). This…

  • Journalism’s greatest quality – availability

    What do people want from the news? The folks at every CEO’s favourite consultancy have some of the answers: When asked to explain which sources of news were most useful, respondents expressed a preference for those offering convenience, comprehensiveness, or timeliness rather than quality. Specifically, they were far more likely to consider a news source…

  • Singing the news…

    One early journalistic platform that has thankfully gone uncopied for centuries is the news ballad. Ending stories with a hey-nonny-nonny instead of a sign-off is not about to win over key demographics, nor do I think a Reuters-by-rhyme service is in the offing, but in the sixteenth century the popular medium for news was song.…