Tag: New York Times

  • NYT Pentagon piece fails to make a splash…

    Pew has a piece looking at the impact of David Barstow’s epic NYT piece on the Pentagon’s tummy tickling of retired generals. The conclusion? No one really picked it up.Well, there was an issue for TV to address. But really, I remain pretty much of the view expressed here. Barstow’s work was impressive, but are…

  • Front page smackdown: the Murdoch WSJ vs the NYT

    The Project for Excellence in Journalism has a nice run of numbers on the Wall Street Journal, pre- and post-Murdoch. Of more interest to me is how the WSJ now lines up against the New York Times.

  • Murdoch fascination

    Shy retiree Rupert Murdoch has been making his presence felt in New York at the Wall Street Journal, and with a bid for Newsday.Jack Shafer will take him on tomorrow but today remarks of an anecdote from the Newsweek profile: It’s a great image, one that expands Murdoch’s distended legend all the way to bloated:…

  • Retired generals – not the neutral fence-sitters we all thought…

    The day’s big media story belongs to David Barstow and his epic NYT story, Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand, on the Bush administration’s hearts and minds campaign. Yes, retired generals on army pensions and with a lifetime of military service turn out not to have been the neutral thumb-suckers we all assumed they’d been…