NYT Pentagon piece fails to make a splash…

Pew has a piece looking at the impact of David Barstow’s epic NYT piece on the Pentagon’s tummy tickling of retired generals. The conclusion? No one really picked it up.

Well, there was an issue for TV to address. But really, I remain pretty much of the view expressed here.

Barstow’s work was impressive, but are we supposed to see military pensioners – paid smallish sums for TV appearances – as impartial analysts?

Want neutrality and impartiality? You have to pay a lot more…or look a lot harder.

PS And you have to pay more to get things right. I originally put Carr for Barstow in this post…

2 responses to “NYT Pentagon piece fails to make a splash…”

  1. yep – it was long, dull and unsurprising. Plus, it’s not like the Pentagon has been having it all its own way with the old boys network – see the efforts of John Batiste and Charles Swannack in particular.