Tag: The Times

  • Journalism Celebrity Deathmatch: Bloggers vs Columnists

    Partly inspired by Tom Whitwell (and once more cribbing from Martin Belam), I had a look at the Google Reader RSS subscriber numbers for the blogs and columns that the Times (to its credit) provides here. The big caveat – it is only Google Reader. So who wins? The results are impressive for the bloggers.…

  • Happy birthday, blog

    This blog is officially a year old. A year on, Sitemeter reckons this blog has clocked up about 27,000 users, just over 2,000 a month. There seem to be about 250 subscribers. It was always my intention to build this up as a media property, and then sell it on. An online auction should be…

  • No comment: political news

  • Journalism training for executives

    Time was when being a journalist was pretty much de rigeur for network bosses. CBS President Howard Stringer was a news division product. NBC’s Andy Lack (for whom I once did a very great and unacknowledged favour) was a news exec. They knew politics. They had judgement. In Britain, Mark Thompson was propelled into his…