Tag: The Times

  • Two views of ITV

    James Murdoch bought ITV shares for 135p not too long ago. Now, you and I can pick them up for about half that. Murdoch didn’t exactly buy them hoping them to make a quick buck. But now he has moved to Wapping, how does one of his papers cover the ITV story? Dan Sabbagh plays…

  • Transnational news traffic

    So is online helping British journalism colonise the US? FishbowlNY’s take on a Guardian piece certainly makes it look that way: # The Daily Mail saw online traffic increase 31% for Mail Online compared to 01/07.# The Guardian’s traffic increased by 25.5%.# Rupert Murdoch’s highbrow/lowbrow Times of London and The Sun saw traffic up 38%…

  • What the US military thinks of journalism

    So what does the US military really think about journalists? Below are excerpts from a report that addresses wider issues about the first Battle of Fallujah but contains some interesting points about “information operations,” in Orwellian milspeak. The document is chiefly the work of Jane Austen fan Dr Sean Edwards, on whom more below. But…

  • Unfounded lesbian smears sell! (Well, almost)

    The Times (of London) should have found itself generating big web traffic thanks to its print edition making the front page of Drudge. So how did it (nearly) happen? With a little help from unfounded allegations of a lesbian affair involving Hillary Clinton and an aide. Last week the Drudge Report originally linked to this…