Tag: YouTube

  • Shoot up a TV news channel

    If you have played Call of Duty 4, you may have come across the scene where soldiers shoot their way round an Al Jazeera-lookalike TV station. Now it’s on YouTube. It is only a game, and I’m probably terribly old-fashioned, but it makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

  • Google pays for news?

    The Sunday Herald had a good little story: So, thanks to AFP, everyone is getting in on the act. (Update) In Wired, btw, Leslie Moonves explains the difference between promotional value and getting paid (contrast with the BBC’s ‘promotional’ YouTube deal): Wired: There’s a lot of CBS material on YouTube. How does that work? Moonves:…

  • Viacom vs YouTube…kicked off by the Beeb deal?

    Was the BBC deal with YouTube the straw that broke the camel’s back? Probably not, but if more corporations had followed the Beeb down the ad-share route it would have started to chip away at Viacom‘s position. If you read the full text of Viacom’s suit here, you can see the exact nature of their…

  • In the red corner, Viacom…

    The gloves come off in the content wars. NEW YORK (Reuters) – Media conglomerate Viacom Inc. said on Tuesday it filed a $1 billion lawsuit against Google Inc. and its Internet video sharing site YouTube over unauthorized use of its copyrighted entertainment. Book your seat ringside.