Transnational news traffic

So is online helping British journalism colonise the US? FishbowlNY’s take on a Guardian piece certainly makes it look that way:

# The Daily Mail saw online traffic increase 31% for Mail Online compared to 01/07.
# The Guardian’s traffic increased by 25.5%.
# Rupert Murdoch’s highbrow/lowbrow Times of London and The Sun saw traffic up 38% and 40% respectively.
# A staggering 65% jump in web traffic for The Telegraph

So, apart from a shared language and Matt Drudge, what might be driving the transnational traffic uptick?

  • In celebrity news, big established markets – remember Splash emerged in L.A. to service Britain’s tabloids
  • In election coverage, none of the sensitivities or responsibilities of U.S. outlets

It’s probably that simple.

And a reminder too that people are not drawn to journalism for information.

One response to “Transnational news traffic”

  1. Yes i agree with you in this article .Traffic is increasing in an anonymous way as you told.