Category: Off Topic

  • Off topic: estimating the cost of World War IV

    Having recently heard Norman Podhoretz promoting his rather ludicrous World War IV tome, it’s a pleasure to turn to someone unafraid of entertaining the troops, Marketwatch columnist, Paul Farrell. [L]et’s estimate the potential economic costs of the coming WWIV: 1. Demographics Economic costs can be estimated by extrapolating from demographics. We’re already fighting wars in…

  • Off topic: great career advice

    Marc Andreessen has been posting some career advice. Here is a just a taste: What should I study in college? Some people argue that college will be your one chance in life to pursue your passion — to spend four years doing nothing but studying whatever you love the most, whether that’s Renaissance literature or…

  • Off topic: The Frick

    Managed to get to the Frick today, probably my all time favourite art gallery. Among the countless gems, two great portraits, linked by green damask (the images below do them little justice btw). First up, one everyone knows – Holbein’s Thomas More (is the plodding Thomas Cromwell opposite really by the same hand?), painted in…

  • Off topic: a tale of two politicians

    Two politicians, both of whom I had a chance to see close up at university. For Labour, I present Dave Miliband, JCR President of Corpus Christi (I was his oppo at Exeter). We both represented the most over-privileged electorate in the world (he more conscientiously than me). For the Conservatives, Boris Johnson, president of the…